Recovery Meeting Finder

Recovery Meeting Finder is a 12-step program meeting finder application I developed as a research project for a masters degree in Software Engineering. The aim of the project was to build a website and mobile phone application which allows people to search for recovery meetings using their location. 

I first developed web scrapers in C# using HtmlAgilityPack, XPath and Puppeteer to automate the collection of data from the official websites and designed unit tests to verify the data is correct and contains the require fields. This data was then exported to CSV format and then inserted into a SQL Server database and the data set was normalized. The meeting locations were stored in the database using geospatial data types ready to display on a map. With the data I built a REST Web API which was used to share the data between the different components in the system. 

After this I created a website front-end with a homepage where the user can select meetings types, input a location and select the days of the week to search for meetings. The search results are then displayed on an interactive Open Street Map using the Leaflet library to place markers with spatial clustering.

The website was created as an ASP.NET project using the Angular framework and TypeScript language. This allowed me to separate different parts of the website into reusable components and take advantage of features such as resolvers to preload API data before navigating to a route. I also made use of Bootstrap for a responsive mobile-friendly layout and Material Design components for the input fields to give the website a modern look and feel.

The source code for the Recovery Meeting Finder website can be found on GitHub here.

Click here to view the finished website.

Please download a copy of the app on Google Play.

You can view a promotional video for the mobile app here.

The app provides many health features view our Google Play health declaration here.
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